
"...and as it is written, How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news." Rom. 10:15

What would it look like if each person at GT decided to live a fully missional life? Would every person in Reading be fed and clothed? Would the sick be cared for? Would the lonely have a friend? Would our complaints be quieted and our complacent living banished? Jesus met people where they were at. We want to do the same, starting in Berks County. Our mission is to serve in our community and around the world. "And you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth." (Acts 1:8)

We love to partner with others and allow God to use us as a world-wide team of Christ-followers. GT Missions supports over 130 missionaries all over the world. We want every tribe, tongue, and nation to know that Jesus is the hope of the world!


Local Outreach

Giving back to the community is an important value here at GT Church. If you are looking for a way to give back and have a desire to help people who are in need, we encourage you to check out the current schedule of local outreach opportunities:


To get more information or sign up to participate, please fill out the form below:

I'm Interested

What is Project Impact?

Project Impact is our fund for giving above and beyond the tithe and is used to provide resources that help us accelerate the gospel further and faster. This fund will be used to support global projects, church expansion, and local outreach. Each year, we prayerfully seek God's direction for how He wants GT Church to make an impact in His Kingdom and invest our financial efforts accordingly. Giving to Project Impact is one way that you can help GT Church share the love of Jesus across the street and around the world!

View our 2024 Projects Here >

Give Now


Our missionaries in the United States and around the world rely on our prayers as they face incredible challenges, opposition, and often danger and persecution. Please join us Tuesday nights at 6 PM in the West Lawn Worship Center as we pray together.


CHECK: Write “Project Impact” on the memo line.
CASH: Use an offering envelope and check off “Project Impact.”
CREDIT: Select “Project Impact” through online giving.
SMART GIVING: Text the word “impact” to 484.240.7077


LOCAL OUTREACH | To learn more about volunteering with our community impact partners:
EMAIL | localoutreach@gtaog.org.

GLOBAL TEAMS | Embark on one of our short-term missions trips hosted throughout the year to various foreign countries. Each team partners with a missionary who we already support and assists them with a particular project or focus. Questions?
EMAIL | GO@gtaog.org.

FEELING CALLED? | Do you feel that God is calling you to the mission field? If so, our missions pastor would love to talk with you!
EMAIL | GO@gtaog.org.

Upcoming Missions Trips

2024 Global MAPS Team

January 01, 2024 to December 31, 2024
Helping those who may sense a call to long-term missions discover, prepare, and fulfill their calling is at the heart of GT Missions. Short and long term trips will be a part of the journey for each one, with unique opportunities to discover God's long term call on their lives! We invite you to consider partnering with these individuals in both resources and prayer. For more information please contact Maritza Huertas @610.678.0266 ext.219
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Greece YA 2024

November 15, 2024 to November 23, 2024
Thessaloniki, Greece
We will be partnering with our missionaries in Greece. The team will be heading to Thessaloniki. This team will be open to Young Adults (18-25) ONLY. There will be many opportunities for one on one evangelism, campus ministry, and building relationships in the community. Our missionaries will also be presenting opportunities for the team to learn about opportunities to intern for those who feel a call to missions. We will also have a work project at Zoe and help at a feeding program. Total Cost: $1,900. TRIP CLOSES ON JUNE 9, 2024
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Namibia 2025

March 30, 2025 to April 07, 2025
This trip will focus on a time of prayer, vision, and building foundational relationships for church planting. Trip Cost: $3,600
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Fiji 2025

May 07, 2025 to May 17, 2025
The team will work on some construction projects on Rabi Island. The team will also be helping with children’s ministry and evangelism. Trip Cost: $4,317
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Honduras GTSM 2025

June 10, 2025 to June 17, 2025
THIS TRIP IS FOR OUR GTSM STUDENTS ONLY! We will be partnering with our missionary to Honduras, Jessie Harshberger. Jessie has been with us before. She works alongside King’s Castle in Honduras. Our students will have an incredible opportunity to work with King’s Castle to minister to kids and students. There will be a kids festival and outreach events throughout different communities. This will be an unforgettable trip for our students. Trip Cost: $1,800
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Dominican Republic Mission of Hope 2025

July 02, 2025 to July 09, 2025
Dominican Republic
This team will be partnering with Mission of Hope in the DR. We will be primarily working with the Haitian population to meet the needs in their community. There are a variety of ministry opportunities, including youth programs, community evangelism, small construction projects, and mobile medical clinics. By working alongside these indigenous leaders, your impact will last long after you return home. Trip Cost: $1,825
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Belgium 2025

August 16, 2025 to August 23, 2025
We will be partnering with Continental Theological Seminary (CTS). We will have construction projects, building grounds maintenance, and opportunities for street evangelism. There is a need for women who are bilingual in English and Spanish. We are also looking for people skilled in construction, framing, roofing, masonry, or electrical work. Trip Cost: $2,025
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Argentina 2025

August 17, 2025 to August 25, 2025
This team will help with children’s ministry events and participate in street evangelism in Argentina. Trip Cost: $2,250
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Turkey 2025

September 12, 2025 to September 24, 2025
During this trip, the team will be there to encourage our missionaries. We will have times of prayer and an opportunity to encourage local pastors in three different regions. While there you will experience the Biblical history of Turkey and the culture of the Turkish and Kurdish people, while learning the importance of Live Dead (LD) Missionaries. Trip Cost: $3,225
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Egypt 2025

September 22, 2025 to September 29, 2025
Cast vision for joining Launch Teams in Egypt and understanding LiveDead Missions. Trip Cost: $2,450
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Antigua 2025

October 18, 2025 to October 25, 2025
We will be partnering with our Missionaries Billy and Havilah. There will be children's ministry, women’s ministry, and men’s ministry. The focus will be street evangelism and times of prayer. Trip Cost: $1,825
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